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Why choose an M.A. in Communication Studies?


Graduate Students of Communication Studies 2018


In NMSU’s Master of Arts program in Communication Studies, students explore how communication practices can be applied to help people improve their personal and professional lives, construct meaningful messages for diverse audiences, and create effective solutions for cultural, mediated, and political problems.


Our Values
Through our curriculum, we cultivate a curiosity-driven mindset that equips graduate students to thrive in a rapidly-evolving communication landscape.
Community is at our program's core: Our Faculty & Staff are dedicated to fostering collaboration, embracing diversity, and celebrating individual contributions.
Through research, collaboration, and mentorship, we equip graduates to become compassionate communicators with in-demand skills.



Hear from our M.A. Graduates


What types of courses are available?

Graduate coursework is available in a variety of areas including organizational communication, interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, health communication, persuasion, political communication, and communication and new technologies. Learn more about Graduate Courses. 


How can I participate in Research?

All graduate students receive instruction in Research Methods, which prepares them to participate in a variety of research activities including assisting Faculty and creating an individual thesis/project as a path toward program completion. Learn more about the Communication Studies' Department News and Research.


What about Graduate Teaching Assistantships?

Many of our M.A. students also serve as Graduate Teaching Assistants. This is a rewarding way to contribute toward funding your education and expanding your professional skill set. Learn more about Graduate Assistantships


Can I complete my M.A. online?
Through NMSU Global, The Department of Communication offers two online Master's Degrees with concentrations in Leadership and Analysis & Decision-Making. Learn more about NMSU Global online M.A. options. 


Does the department have a brochure I can look at?

Yes! Click here to access our Communication Studies brochure.


For more information about the program, contact the department here.